What is National Anarchism?

National Anarchism, also known as Tribal Anarchism, is a radical anti-state ideology which emphasizes freedom of association. National Anarchism has existed since the early 1990’s, though thinkers have had similar ideas since the enlightenment.

National Anarchists believe that the ideal in human organization are confederations of free village communities and worker unions. These unions and communities will have the right to choose to organize in any way they desire, this means that you could have a white separatist union, a homosexual jewish socialist union or even a Trekkie union.

National Anarchism is made to respect everyone’s beliefs and cultures while maintaining a libertarian social order. It has a lot of similarities to Classical American individualist Anarchism, not necessarily in rhetoric but in effect and theory.

Most National Anarchists are mutualism or syndicalist but there have been capitalist variants, especially in the US.